21 Jan Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Program
Program Name: Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Program
Resource Type: State
State: Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Southeast
Agency: Program Source: Grant
Description: The Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Program provides grants to local governments for the removal of derelict vessels from Florida waters. “Derelict vessel” means any vessel that is left, stored, or abandoned: in a wrecked, junked, or substantially dismantled condition upon any public waters of this state, at any port in this state without the consent of the agency having jurisdiction thereof, or docked or grounded at or beached upon the property of another without the consent of the owner of the property. The program is funded by the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund. All local governments in Florida are eligible for participation in this program.
Website: http://myfwc.com/boating/grant-programs/derelict-vessel/