Business Collaboration

Program Name: National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: USA Agency: Program Source: Description: Dedicated to advocating for and promoting the strength of marine manufacturing, the sales and service networks of its members, and the boating lifestyle. Founded in 1979. Over 1000 corporate members. Website:...

Program Name: FishAmerica Foundation Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: USA Agency: Program Source: Description: Conservation and research foundation keeping our nation's fish and waters healthy. Formed in 1983. Awarded nearly $9 million to more than 900 projects in all fifty states and Canada. Website:

Program Name: National Association of Charterboat Operators (NACO) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: USA Agency: Program Source: Description: As the premiere Association that represents charter boat interests, our objective is to improve the professional charter boat operator's bottom line and to provide a strong voice in Washington, DC....

Program Name: Spill Control Association of America (SCAA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: USA Agency: Program Source: Description: Actively promotes the interests of the spill response community. The organization represents spill response contractors, manufacturers, distributors, consultants, instructors, government & training institutions and corporations working in the industry. Organized...

Program Name: Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: USA Agency: Program Source: Description: A nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating and thereby increase public awareness and appreciation of the need for protecting, conserving and restoring this...

Program Name: West Gulf Maritime Association (WGMA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Texas, Louisiana Agency: Program Source: Description: To embrace within the membership of one Association the steamship owners, operators, agents along with stevedoring and/or terminal companies located in all Texas ports and the Port of Lake Charles,...

Program Name: West Coast Trawlers Network Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Description: A network of five trawl fishing trade organizations which represent and promote trawler intersts on the Pacific Coast. Links to each of the five member organizations may be found via the...

Program Name: Fishing Vessel Owners Association (FVOA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Description: To promote safety at sea, ensure competitive pricing, and promote habitat-friendly gear with minimum bycatch. Represents 25 companies that longline for halibut, sablefish, cod, rockfish, and turbot in the Pacific. Website:...

Program Name: East Coast Shellfish Growers Association (ECSGA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast Agency: Program Source: Description: Informs policy makers and regulators, seeks solutions to sustainability through research and best management practices, lobbies Congress on behalf of the industry, promotes healthy farmed shellfish to...