Business Collaboration

Program Name: Gulf State Maritime Association (GSMA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Louisiana, Alabama, Gulf of Mexico Agency: Program Source: Description: Deals with such diverse matters as maintaining adequate deep-draft anchorages and channels throughout the Gulf, and the development of a bridge-to-bridge communication system to increase navigational safety. Website:...

Program Name: Gulf Intracoastal Canal Association (GICA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Gulf of Mexico Agency: Program Source: Description: To ensure the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway is maintained, operated and improved to provide the safest, most efficient, economical and environmentally-sound water transportation route in our nation, serving petrochemical facilities,...

Program Name: Lake Carriers Association (LCA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Great Lakes Agency: Program Source: Description: Places special importance on legislative and regulatory matters to promote the common interests of its members and their customers. Facilitates a broad-based understanding of U.S.-flag shipping on the Great Lakes...

Program Name: Marine Industries Association of Florida (MIAF) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Florida Agency: Program Source: Description: Dedicated to the enhancement of family recreational boating and access to the waterways in Florida. Has over 1900 of marine business members of an 18.4 billion dollar marine industry that...

Program Name: West Coast Seafood Processors Association (WCSPA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: California, Oregon, Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Description: The West Coast Seafood Processors Association (WCSPA) exists to serve the needs of the shore-based seafood processors in California, Oregon, and Washington. Members include ten major...

Program Name: Western Fishboat Owners Assocation (WFOA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: California, Oregon, Washington, Alabama, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Description: Promotes the wild capture fisheries for albacore tuna around the Pacific basin. Represents about 400 albacore troll-vessel owners and supporting businesses based in California, Oregon, Washington,...

Program Name: Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: California, Oregon, Washington, Alabama, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Description: Politically active trade association of commercial fishermen on the west coast assuring the rights of individual fishermen and fighting for the long-term survival of...

Program Name: Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association (PCSGA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: California, Oregon, Washington, Alabama, Hawaii, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Description: Since 1930 PCSGA promotes water quality, scientific research, fair regulations, expanding market base, and state of the art growing methods. The PCSGA includes 112...