21 Jan 2021 Official State of Virginia Website
Program Name: Official State of Virginia Website Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: State Homepage Description: Website: http://portal.virginia.gov/...
Program Name: Official State of Virginia Website Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: State Homepage Description: Website: http://portal.virginia.gov/...
Program Name: Open Space Lands Preservation Trust Fund Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: A program to help landowners cover costs of conveying conservation easements and the purchase of all or part of the value of the easements. Conservation easements preserve farmland, forestland, and...
Program Name: Virginia Coastal Access Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Repository Description: A website created by Virginia Sea Grant, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Marine Advisory Services and the Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority (MP-PAA) in order to provide the public with information...
Program Name: Virginia Economic Development Partnership Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Economic Development Entity Description: In 1995, the Virginia General Assembly created the Virginia Economic Development Partnership to better serve those seeking a prime business location and increased trade opportunities and, therefore, to foster increased...
Program Name: Virginia Marine Resources Commission Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Repository Description: Links to other Marine Resources related web sites. Website: http://www.mrc.state.va.us/links.shtm...
Program Name: Virginia CZM Program and Coastal Public Access Authorities Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Technical/Planning Assistance Description: Public Access Authorities are a tremendous asset in meeting the Governor’s 400,000 acre land conservation goal. These local authorities can often close on land deals far...
Program Name: Business Incentives Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: Virginia works enthusiastically with new and expanding Virginia employers that create a higher standard of living for Virginians, enhance the local and state economies, and increase revenues to state and local governments. Incentives are...
Program Name: Virginia Water Facilities Revolving Loan Fund Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Loan Description: Since 1987, the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (Fund) has been providing low interest loan funding for water quality improvement projects throughout the Commonwealth. Funds are currently provided to...
Program Name: Virginia Environmental Endowment Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: The mission of Virginia Environmental Endowment is to improve the quality of the environment by using its capital to encourage all sectors to work together to prevent pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote...
Program Name: Newport News Seafood Industrial Park Resource Type: State State: Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Agency: Program Source: Repository Description: The Newport News Seafood Industrial Park (SIP) is one of the nation’s premier seafood harbors and an important part of the City’s economy. The SIP is owned by the City and...