
Program Name: Kendall Foundation Resource Type: Philanthropy State: Northeast Agency: Program Source: Description: Create a sustainable and resilient food system in New England. Website:

Program Name: John Merck Foundation Resource Type: Philanthropy State: Northeast Agency: Program Source: Description: Priorities are: Clean energy, Environmental health, Regional food systems, Developmental disabilities. Clean energy and regional food systems have relevance for New England fisheries. Plans to spend all assets by 2022. Website:

Program Name: East Coast Shellfish Growers Association (ECSGA) Resource Type: Business Collaboration State: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast Agency: Program Source: Description: Informs policy makers and regulators, seeks solutions to sustainability through research and best management practices, lobbies Congress on behalf of the industry, promotes healthy farmed shellfish to...

Program Name: Economic Revitalization Zone Tax Credits Resource Type: Economic Development Entity State: New Hampshire, Northeast Agency: Program Source: Tax Incentive Description: In an effort to encourage revitalization and create jobs, communities and employers may take advantage of New Hampshire's Economic Revitalization Zone Tax Credits (ERZ Tax Credit) Program....

Program Name: Right-of-Way Discovery Grants Resource Type: State State: Maine, Northeast Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: Right-of-way discovery grants helps communities find and assert public rights-of-way to the shore, which may be lost by the passing of generations and changing land ownership patterns. Benefits of these grants include: enabling...

Program Name: Maine's Working Waterfront Tax Law Resource Type: State State: Maine, Northeast Agency: Program Source: Tax Incentives Description: To encourage the preservation of working waterfront land and to prevent the conversion of working waterfront land to other uses as the result of economic pressures caused by the assessment...

Program Name: Working Waterfront Access Protection Program Resource Type: State State: Maine, Northeast Agency: Program Source: Repository Description: Through a competitive application process matching funds are available to assist commercial fisheries businesses, co-ops, municipalities and other interested parties in securing strategically significant working waterfront properties. Funds can be used...

Program Name: Accessing the Maine Coast Resource Type: State State: Maine, Northeast Agency: Program Source: Repository Description: This website contains information to help waterfront users, coastal communities, and land owners address issues related to coastal access. The intent of this website is to offer specific tools to coastal stakeholders...

Program Name: Maine Seed Capital Tax Credit Program Resource Type: State State: Maine, Northeast Agency: Program Source: Tax Incentive Description: This program is designed to encourage equity and near-equity investments in eligible Maine businesses, directly and through private venture capital funds. FAME may authorize state income tax credits to...