Census Zip Code Business Patterns
These data provide the number of business establishments, at the zip code level, for most of the U.S. The data are organized into NAICS codes and can be sorted using the ENOW definition of the ocean economy (the six sectors). Businesses are categorized by employment ranges (1 to 4 employees, 5 to 9 employees, 10 to 19 employees, etc.), which means the values being estimated leave room for uncertainty.
State or local employment statistics
Certain states provide data developed by that state’s bureau of labor or a corresponding agency. These data can vary in terms of accessibility, data format, and use of NAICS codes. For example, Massachusetts provides employment and wage statistics by the 4-digit NAICS industries for each city and town. These data are easily accessible on the website of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development.
Esri’s Business Analyst has information on individual businesses by industries at the Census block-group level. Indicators include name, location, scale, and number of employees for the most current year. These data require a paid for license.
ReferenceUSA provides library patrons with access to extremely accurate and complete business and consumer data by NAICS codes. Many libraries, such as Maine State Library, provide members with free access to this online platform. These data require a subscription.
NOAA Fisheries Regional Offices include information such as the address, landing port, effective date, etc. by each vessel, dealer, or harvesting permit holder
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Partners and Data Contributors include information such as aggregated fishing statistics from both federal and state resources for landing tons, values, fishing licenses, and vessel permits by species and ports
NOAA Commercial Fisheries Statistics
Landing tons and values by species and areas
NOAA Commercial Landings Query
One-stop shop for fisheries data by states and areas
NOAA Interactive Fisheries Economic Impacts Tool
Total jobs impacted by fishing industries by states and areas
U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration: Open Data Portal
Foreign trade statistics by port and district
Tons and values of import and export by port
Tons and values of freight movement among states and major metropolitan areas by all modes of transportation
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Ports and Waterways Facilities
List of port facilities, complete list of docks
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: National Waterway Network
Shapefiles of port facilities and boundaries
Intermodal Transportation Network: All Modes
Distribution of National Waterways Network with attached global seaways
Automatic Identification System (AIS)
Information for vessel traffic services (VTS) from the automatic tracking system installed on ships
AlphaLiner Shipping Information Service
Number of containerships by shipping company
Energy Information Administration: Crude Oil Production
Barrels of oil production by state and area
Energy Information Administration: Offshore Gross Withdrawals of Natural Gas
Millions of cubic feet of natural gas production by state and area
List of the major U.S. private shipbuilding and repair facilities by region and city
MarineLog Trade Journal: Shipbuilding Contracts
Latest known shipbuilding contracts, North America shipyard directory
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service: Saltwater Angler Expenditures
Trip-based expenditures by states
U.S. Coast Guard, Recreational Vessel Accident Statistics
Recreational vessel registration and accident records by state
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State Sport Fishing License Sales Data
Fishing licenses and costs by state
U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration: Open Data Portal
Cruise passengers by cruise ship and port
Cruise passenger traffic by port