21 Jan Waterways Program Grants
Program Name: Waterways Program Grants
Resource Type: State
State: Michigan, Great Lakes
Agency: Program Source: Grant
Description: Grants provide funding assistance for design and construction of public recreational harbor/marina and boating access site/launch facilities throughout the state. Only local units of government (city, village, township, or county) and public universities are eligible. Applicants may cooperate with community/sports organizations in the implementation of projects. On-site investigation by DNR, Parks and Recreation Division staff may be required to determine suitability of proposed work. Applicant may also be required to document area boating demand. Greater priority may be given to projects for which a local applicant documents match capabilities equal to or greater than the percentage of project cost they are required to provide. The local match can include in-kind expenses as long as they are well-documented
Website: http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-58225_37985-124962–,00.html