
Program Name: Wholesale Dealer Grant Recovery Program Resource Type: State State: Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: The Louisiana Wholesale-Retail Dealer Grant Program (WDG) is designed to provide grants to wholesale-retail dealer impacted by the storms that have shown a commitment to remain in the fishery...

Program Name: Economic Development Award Program Resource Type: State State: Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: The purpose of the Economic Development Award Program, or EDAP, is to assist publicly owned infrastructure for industrial or business development projects that promote targeted industry economic development and that...

Program Name: Commercial Fishermen Gear and Technology Program Resource Type: State State: Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: This grant program is designed to improve the economic efficiency of the industry while promoting professionalism on vessels. Website: http://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/commercial-fishermen-gear-and-techn...