
Program Name: The Coastal Revolving Loan Fund/Technical Assistance Loan Fund Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Loan Description: Allows for supplemental financing for expansion and start-up projects and low interest loans for purchase of technical assistance or community development strategies which will create jobs in...

Program Name: Public Transportation Grants Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: WSDOT’s public transportation grants help provide access, mobility and independence to Washington residents. Made possible by state and federal funds, these grants, along with regional mobility grants, provide transit services within and...

Program Name: Coastal Protection Fund Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: The Washington State Legislature created the Coastal Protection Fund (CPF) as a non-appropriated revolving fund to pay for projects that: restore or enhance environmental, recreational, archaeological, or aesthetic resources for the benefit...

Program Name: Washington State Clean Diesel Grant Program Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: The Washington State Department of Ecology welcomes applications for grants to help reduce emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles and equipment. Website: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/air/cars/DieselGrantPage.htm...

Program Name: Boating Facilities Grant Program Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: The Boating Facilities Grant Program is a biennial state grant program administered by the state’s Recreation Conservation Office (RCO). It is funded by boaters’ marine fuel taxes for the development of...

Program Name: Industrial Revenue Bonds Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Dedicated Revenue Description: Provide financing for land, building and equipment for new and expanding manufacturing facilities. These loans may be used to encourage relocations and expansions of companies that provide jobs and expand...

Program Name: Washington Department of Commerce Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Economic Development Entity Description: Our Vision: Make Washington the most attractive, creative and fertile investment environment for innovation in the world as a means of achieving long-term global competitiveness, prosperity and economic opportunity...

Program Name: Shoreline Master Program Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: In December, 2003, the Department of Ecology adopted new Shoreline Master Program Guidelines. By 2014, over 260 towns, cities and counties in Washington must update their Shoreline Master Programs (SMPs) to be...

Program Name: Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account Resource Type: State State: Washington, Pacific Coast Agency: Program Source: Grant Description: In 1984, the Washington State Legislature created ALEA to ensure that money generated from aquatic lands was used to protect and enhance those lands. Aquatic lands are all tidelands, shore lands,...