Registration is currently not open, but will be soon.

What Does the Registration Fee Include?

Conference & Student Attendees: The registration fee, combined with funds contributed by our generous sponsors provide full participation in the conference and a half-day field trip. This fee also includes registration materials, morning, mid-day and afternoon refreshments, all lunches, and Tuesday’s Welcome Reception. All presenters must register.

Guest Fee: The guest fee(s) allow guests 21 years of age and older attendance to the Tuesday evening Welcome Reception. The guest fee is not for use by co-workers and does not include participation in the conference or conference materials.

Special Needs: Participants will be able to note any special accommodations needed in the registration form. Should you have other needs not listed or have questions about accommodations, please contact

Student Volunteers: There will be a limited number of student volunteer opportunities available at the symposium. Volunteers assist with logistics such as registration, audio visual operation during the symposium sessions, taking notes, and helping out during the field trips as necessary. Volunteers are expected to assist daily for the duration of the event.

For more information or questions regarding the NWWN 2025 conference, please email